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Do you believe in fairytales? Because they exist. They are told in the canveses and glasses created by Dafne Nesti, who finds inspiration in the Belle Epoque. The landscapes, flowers and delicate figures she creates take us back to the past, and are filled with sparkling elegance. What's left is a fairytale. 
                                                                         Rubino Cinquegranelli (writer and journalist)

Dafne Marilu Amalia Nesti

                                           "Paula gets married" 

The rappresentation of the subject is linear, essential but capable, and it is well supported by tones and color chromaticism that demonstrates rare talent. The eloquent summerized decorations validate and underline the "scenic frame". These elements make of this work an eclectic demonstration of a modern interpratation of verismo. It also well defines the current tendency to lean towards a positive art revival of contemporary arts and "good taste", which is and always has been the undeniable foundation

of all arts.                                                                                                              

                                                      Prof. Fernando Silo (Art Critic, Milan)

“I had the fortune to admire the enchanting art of Dafne Nesti a Sunday afternoon of August 2002, at the San Felice Circeo Hotel Maga Circe. It was made of living, prodigious visions and colors that were as festive as God created day light.  Dafne demostrates a deep "within" and depicts women with art, often women in her family, and her art reveals her great affection for them. As a Catholic I give Dafne my best wishes of success in galleries all around the world.

                                                                 Augusto Giordano (Journalist RAI, Italian Television) 

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Dafne Marilù Amalia is an Italian American artist with a passion for art, drawing, graphic novels and crafting miniature models since she was a child.


Once finished her studies at the school of Comic Book and Graphic Arts in Milan (Italy) she flew to the United States and stayed there for many years to come. Los Angeles (CA) became her home, art and fine art her profession.


Dafne is currently working on a project that unifies her love for graphic novels and miniature models called “Witch Island”- check out WITCH ISLAND STORIES.


Dafne is also highly passionate (obsessed perhaps?) about ancient Rome’s history, art and engineering wonders and relatively recently has discovered a love for its military technics and now joins a legion, this inspiring her to new ROMAN MILITARY ART.


Check out Dafne’s Roman art page DECIMA TAURINA CEALESTIS.


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